Monday, February 18, 2008


Clinton, Obama and the Social Security Table
American Thinker - Bellevue,WA,USA
Let's take away the no-bid contracts from Halliburton before we start imposing a trillion-dollar tax increase on the elderly and on middle-class workers. ...

Heckler gets rise out of Bill
Boston Herald - United States
McCain told ABC's "This Week" that under no circumstances would he increase taxes, and added that he could "see an argument, if our economy continues to ...

Questions that Hillary, Obama and McCain Must Answer-1
American Chronicle - Beverly Hills,CA,USA
In view of the above how can McCain and Hillary generate funds without increasing taxes, avoid purchasing of state assets by the foreigners, increase wages, ...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saturday Update...

McCain campaigns in Vermont - Burlington,VT,USA
"If we don't make the tax cuts permanent, my friends, businesses and families will experience a tax increase when the cuts go away," McCain said. ...

Yes, McCain!
Yahoo! News - USA
His Democratic opponents promise to repeal the cuts and increase taxes on the so-called rich. Campaign promises made separately by Clinton and Obama would ...

Today's Fresh Meat
California Majority Report - CA,USA
Hillary Clinton is sending her California head-honcho, Ace Smith, to 'must-win' Texas, which a combination of early voting and a hybrid between regular ...

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturday Morning...

A Policy Comparison of the Top Three Presidential Contenders

Associated Content - Denver,CO,USA
In fact, McCain's website in fact advocates passing a law that would mandate that all future pieces of legislation which would increase taxes be passed by a ...

McCain & Conservatives: It's Not Love, But It'll Do
The Gate - National Journal - Washington,DC,USA
... create more wasteful spending programs and dependency on government, one who will increase taxes and burdensome regulation, and nominate activist judges ...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Post-Super Tuesday Update...

Only one story today, looks like the media is giving her a brake after Super Tuesday

My Super Tuesday Issues: Health Care and Small Business
Huffington Post - New York,NY,USA
By not even addressing the effects of a tax increase on those making over $250K annually -- which, as a business owner of an S-Corporation, isn't a huge ...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Remember These stories When Voting Today!

4 candidates, your paycheck - USA
It's not clear yet whether a payroll tax increase would be in the offing under Clinton or McCain, because both candidates have been spare on details. ...

An Open Letter to Paul Krugman
Huffington Post - New York,NY,USA
I suppose Clinton people should not send mailings that say Obama will impose a $1 trillion tax increase on working families by raising the Social Security ...

McCain Promises to Veto Any Tax Increase
PR Newswire (press release) - New York,NY,USA
Again, he was asked to commit to veto a tax increase: BOB SCHIEFFER: "Let's just say that you do become president and a Democratic congress raises taxes. ...

Reasons for Republican Optimism
Western Standard- Shotgun Blog - Calgary,Alberta,Canada
Democratic efforts to push a tax increase on middle-class and upper middle-class economy are undermining the Democrats credibility that they are actually ...

Voices: What will happen?
Joplin Globe - Joplin,MO,USA
Clinton effectively promising the rollback, doesn't that mean that she will increase taxes on the first $7825 or $15650 by 50 percent? ...

Maybe presidential races will hike voter turnout - Galesburg,IL,USA
Voters in Abingdon will decide whether to approve a 15-cent tax increase per $100 assessed property value. Library officials say the increase will cover ...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Monday Money-grubbing Madness!

Clinton, Obama spar on healthcare, Social Security
Boston Globe - United States
Obama has suggested lifting the cap, perhaps putting in a "doughnut hole'' in the equation, so the tax increase would hit only very high-income Americans. ...

Closing Arguments Before Super Tuesday
Washington Post - United States
Pressed on those Sunday, McCain said he would veto any tax increase passed by a Democratic Congress and would appoint Supreme Court justices without any ...

Clinton Suggests Tapping Wages
The Associated Press -
McCain told "Fox News Sunday" he would veto any tax increase passed by a Democratic-controlled Congress. McCain, who opposed President Bush's first two tax ...

Only amnesiacs could vote to put the Clintons back in the White House
Dubuque Telegraph Herald - Dubuque,IA,USA
And Hillary, of course, is proposing a tax increase -- but not just any tax increase. She is proposing the largest tax increase in world history. ...

UPI NewsTrack TopNews
United Press International - USA
"I have voted twice to keep those tax cuts permanent, and we need to do it, otherwise the American families and businesses will experience a tax increase. ...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday Update!

Whose economy was best?
Washington Times - Washington,DC,USA
Recently, Hillary Clinton blasted Barack Obama because he said Reagan was a man of ideas, which is heresy in the Democratic Party. ...

Politics, News & Issues >
Helium - Andover,MA,USA
Is the federal tax increase on cigarettes the first step to help pay for the (SCHIP) State Children's Health Insurance Program? by David Furritus No, ...

McCain reaches out to conservative base
... drilling for oil in Alaska and penning laws that imposed campaign finance reform and attempted to reform immigration rules and increase taxes on energy. ...

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